Helpful Tips to Creating Your Scent
Helpful Tips to Creating Your Scent
It can be very easy to become overwhelmed with so many scents to select from! But, never fear, there are some ways to help narrow down all the scents you like.
First, consider what kind of candle you want to make before beginning your journey through the scent wall. The following are helpful questions to consider as you begin to narrow down your focus:
- What kind of scents do you normally like? Warm? Floral? Fruity? Spicy? Sweet? Clean?
- Where do you want to put your candle to burn? (Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc.)
- Is this for an event or holiday?
- If this is a gift, what kinds of things does this person like?
- Have you had a perfume, lotion, or body wash you loved? What was in that?
- Is there a beverage that you love you would want to recreate?
- Is there a scent that reminds you of a place or person you love?
- Is there a scent that makes you feel relaxed? Cozy? Sexy? Energized?
Second, smell everything that is of interest to you! Even if you know you want to make a floral candle, smell other scents that you might love and might consider adding them with florals to give you a truly unique scent. There are no wrong combinations, so be adventurous! You will have a scent selection sheet and clipboard to write down scents you are considering using. You may end up with 10 scents on your paper by the time you reach the end of the wall, and that’s okay. Next, look at the scents you have down and begin to cross some off. Consider scents that you may be able to prioritize or you may like better.
Third, your candle specialist will help you look at your list. They can help you narrow down scents or give you suggestions if you are feeling stuck. Your specialist will then bring out oils for you to smell from the bottle and in combination together. We typically suggest that you narrow your scents down to 2-3 oils you love together. You can certainly mix more, but the individual scents can begin to get lost the more oils you mix.
Fourth, you are ready to create your scent and candle! Now that you have selected your candle, it is time to mix your oils. You do not have to use an equal amount of each scent you chose. You may want a strong smell of Fresh Cut Roses, so you would use more of this oil than the others you have chosen. You can blend your oils slowly, smelling as you go, to decide which scent you would like more off. Once your oil jigger is full to the top, your candle specialist will bring out your hot wax for you to stir your oil in. We suggest stirring for a full minute so that your oil and wax are thoroughly blended.
And you’ve done it! You have created something that is completely unique. Even if you modeled it after a scent you already liked, you still chose all of the oil amounts to make it truly yours!
Burn and enjoy!